Autores: Alexandre Werneck e Vittorio Talone Resumo: O objetivo deste ensaio é apresentar um reenquadramento pragmático do conceito de sociabilidade violenta, proposto por Luiz Antonio Machado da Silva...
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4 de novembro de 2020
Alexandre Werneck / Artigos / Artigos 2020 / Autores / Cesar Pinheiro Teixeira / Publicações / Vittorio da Gamma Talone
Authors: Alexandre Werneck, Cesar Pinheiro Teixeira and Vittorio da Gamma Talone In this article we propose a model for a pragmatic sociology of violence. Based on a semiotic analysis of a primordial cognitive operation deployed in people’s definition of situations, namely qualification, the essential characterization of things, the paper maps the meanings attributed to what both ordinary social actors and academic analysts treat as violence. Our analysis shows that this operation imbues a concrete object with meaning, the disproportionate use of force, whose resignifications compose a typology of five ‘sociologies of violence,’ both native and academic. These are: substantivist, constructivist,…
4 de novembro de 2020