[2008] Changing illegal drug consumption and trafficking in Rio de Janeiro (FR)

Authors: Joana D. Vargas, Michel Misse Our paper will briefly outline the history of the process of illegal drug criminalisation in Brazil, with the city of Rio de Janeiro as a reference. To this end, the data on changing consumption and trafficking will be compared with changing drugs legislation, which has become more and more repressive. We also present a short empirical summary on the recent evolution of drug use licit and illicit in Brazil. The consumption and traffic of drugs in Brazil are associated with a violence level unknown to both Europe and the United States. We will describe…

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[2015] The macabre figures of police lethality. The judicial assessment of the “Acts of resistance” in Rio de Janeiro (FR)

Authors: MICHEL MISSE, CAROLINA CHRISTOPH GRILLO ET NATASHA ELBAS NÉRI This article presents the main results of the research entitled "Acts of Resistance: an analysis of the homicides carried out by the police in the city of Rio de Janeiro", between the years 2009 and 2011. The main purpose of the research was to follow a sample of the judicial treatment of cases of murder committed by the police which were initially registered as "homicide resulting from Acts of Resistance", in other words with the presumption of legitimate defence. We sought to analyse the penal process for these cases and…

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Autores: Michel Misse, Luís Felipe Zilli, Daniel Veloso Hirata e Brígida Renoldi Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os principais resultados da pesquisa intitulada “Gestão da Política de Segurança Pública nas Regiões de Fronteira do Brasil”, estudo financiado pelo edital “Pensando a Segurança Pública”, lançado em março de 2014 pela Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública do Ministério da Justiça (SENASP/MJ). De modo geral, o trabalho teve como objetivo a produção de um diagnóstico aprofundado sobre os processos de elaboração, implementação e gestão de políticas de segurança pública na faixa de fronteira brasileira. Além disso, a pesquisa também procurou identificar possíveis…

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